Guided Meditation in English

Esemény dátum


Esemény ideje


Esemény helyszín

Tara Központ


Our breath is directly connected to the mind. If we can control our breath, we can control our minds.

Each session begins with a simple breathing technique and relaxation that regulates and expands the breath and Prana in the body.

Then comes deep focused meditation, which guides to inner peace. This 45-minute meditation journey helps you go deeper into relaxation and self-knowledge.

Every session is a special experience.

You can also buy a one-time ticket or a monthly pass, which includes all our Monday and Wednesday meditation programs.


Buying a pass:








You can join to our guided meditation Facebook group here.



Lejárt esemény

Esemény helyszín

Szervező: TARA központ

  • Tara Központ
  • Gát u. 29
  • Budapest
  • Magyarország

Esemény időpontok

  • 2022.11.21. 16:30
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